Years ago, I read an article about mental health recovery whose advice continues to support and help me. She said
The Risk
A few years ago, we built raised beds in our backyard in an attempt to grow vegetables – ever the humbling
Room at the Inn
I live in a busy city in Texas, a border state with Mexico, and I see many refugees where I
Prayer Before Sleeping
The other day I was thinking of the phrase that we often toss out when someone we love is doing
The Overstory
Ida Zaccagnini Zborovancik was my great aunt - my maternal grandmother's younger sister, one of seven children from
Sin cera
In my last writing group, the monthly theme was courage. It was a day when courage, for me, felt absent.
Putting on your grandfather's coat
Today is Dia de los Muertos, the Day of the Dead, which I became familiar with and began celebrating twelve
Night watch
This year I've been a part of a monthly writing group where we meet to read poems, write,
Wanting mind
This poem came one morning when I was scrolling through etsy, looking for a new pair of earrings. Scrolling etsy
After Mary Oliver's Wild Geese
In my most recent poem I mentioned that two poems came to me last week about softness. The first you